Figure out what you love and do it!

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Found out what it is that you love to do, what you really has a passion about, what you feel are your goal in life – and then go for it! Write it down, set small goals for achieving it and then focus all your energy on this! I believe this will make you the happiest, and what the purpose of life is really about: finding what you love and then doing this, and not just “follow what can provide you money/a career etc.”. In that way you won’t end up happy. Find out what you truly love to do and do this! Believe in it! Believe in yourself! And work for accomplishing it!

Good times


Autumn is such a cozy time, when you have amazing people around you. And I definitly have that! The first picture is from when my friend Melina had birthday and we were some girls at her place to celebrate her. Picture 2, 4 and 6 is from yesterday, when my friends and I cut in pumpkins and had a really great time. Picture number 3 is my amazing boyfriend, which I just love more than possible is. And the 5th picture is some cinnamonrolls my mom and I baked together for our family trip in the woods this weekend.

Lovely pictures, and lovely memories!