Figure out what you love and do it!

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Found out what it is that you love to do, what you really has a passion about, what you feel are your goal in life – and then go for it! Write it down, set small goals for achieving it and then focus all your energy on this! I believe this will make you the happiest, and what the purpose of life is really about: finding what you love and then doing this, and not just “follow what can provide you money/a career etc.”. In that way you won’t end up happy. Find out what you truly love to do and do this! Believe in it! Believe in yourself! And work for accomplishing it!

A warm Autumn day with the best friends

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Yesterday I spend the day with my best friends! We watched a movie, drank cacao, cutted in pumpkins and took a lot of pictures and had SO much fun! I love these girls so much! We missed one of our best friend who are currently living in France, and unfortunately couldn’t be together with us. And now one of my other best friends is leaving for USA. I can’t wait till July, where all of us is going to be reunited again!

I hope you all have a wonderful Autumn, and soon Halloween is coming up!

My wonderful home country

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All the pictures are taken by me (except picture nr.2, which is taken by my friend Henriette, who by the way is an amazing photographer), and they are all taken in Denmark over the past 2-3 years.

Just as much as I LOVE travelling and exploring new places and seeing the world, I also love staying home in my wonderful country, Denmark. Especially here in Autumn/Winter, I like how it is starting to get colder, walking outside in the cold weather and then coming back home and get warm again. Also I love, more than anything, to spend time with my amazing family, friends and boyfriend. For instance this friday my boyfriend and I were out eating dinner together at a restaurant and afterwards we went to the cinema (and watched Kick-Ass 2! So funny). We have been together for 9 months now, and I love him so much! And this Sunday I spend with some of my best friend, where we celebrated my friends birthday. This next Sunday, my family and I are going to have a “family trip” where we are going for a walk in the forest, and next tuesday my best friends and I are going to cut in pumpkins (Halloween soon), drink cacao and watch movies. I am SO lucky, to have the best people in my life – I love all of them.